Wayes Services Project

This project was a different one for me. I did a lot of contract IT work during this time. I had an co-worker that I worked with and he told me about how he was building a website and that he had really made a mess of things and was in over his head. I told him that I may be able to help with fixing the problem. He referred me to Wayes Services and I spoke them addressing the problem.

There were a list of issues with this website. The problems were as follows:

  • Multiple instances of the same site was created (which made it difficult to find the REAL website)
  • Content (text & images) were plastered all over the place (a UI/UX nightmare)
  • The client wasn't sure if they had Web Hosting
  • It looked better and functioned correctly prior to changes made by my friend

This is a SquareSpace website, so it wasn't too bad of an issue that I couldn't fix and the short amount of time that I was given (very little wiggle room - 1 week).

Result: I successfully created a fully functional SquareSpace website. I was able construct a layout that was easy for the client and visitors to interact with. During the following week, the Wayes Services were told by new potential clients that they saw their work on the internet and was able to easily see and understand the different services that they have. This had secured Wayes Service with 2 new big paying clients - with a continuous service plan.


Wayes Services LLC


I was responsible for full restructuring the visual layout and development of the website. I also had to make some administrative changes so that we could pinpoint the main domain and custom template that will be used.

I was responsible for setting up the domain and establishing the best web host solution. Some areas of the website required hard coding for the best look via client request.

What I did

  • Logo
  • Design
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • CMS
  • SEO

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