Overcomers Life Journey

I was set up with this organization through a referral of my Faith Fellowship Service Ministry project. Overcomers Life Journey is a growing organization and they were in need of getting a website.

Overcomers is located in a small area of South Atlanta and originally was operating fairly well with the local support. The client contacted me in regards to creating a logo and building a custom WordPress website for them. Their goal was to gain a solid online presence so that they can extended their services in neighboring areas. They are a non-profit organization, so getting additional funds in any kind of way was what they wanted the website to able to do.

The following tasks needed to be completed.

  • Have a fully customized WordPress website
  • Gain a presence online so that they can extend their services.
  • Add a Donation section to the website.
  • Create a secure login and website backup plan

Result:  The organization currently operates in South Atlanta strictly. They have gained a successful online presence which now has allowed for them to gain two supporting clients within the North Atlanta area. They have also received funds for the organization through the successful Donation section setup. They have been funded support of almost $1,000 within the first week.


Overcomers Life Journey


I was responsible for providing them with a logo. I was also responsible for developing a full WordPress website that will have a fully operable Donations section. My biggest focal points were to ensure ease of use for the client as well as its visitors.

I was given complete reign over the design layout of the website. I also provide web hosting support for this client.

What I did

  • Logo
  • Design
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • CMS
  • SEO

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