LVNGbook Project

This was a really fun project for me. The company was in the middle of cutting ties with another developer. The developer was a fly-by-night. He was given a list of parameters that are required when structuring the website. He decided to put the website together the way he saw best. After that, the company was left with a website that could not be used in the way that they planned for it. I was then referred to them by a friend. The owner talked with me and with a brief conversation we were underway. Our goal was to revamp the website and increase email conversions.

Result: We created a newly custom themed WordPress website and increased email conversions by 30% within the first few weeks.




I was responsible for developing a full WordPress website that will cater to a repository of recipes. My biggest focal points were the proper use of the color scheme, as well as the placement of images and icons.

The website was originally set up for short-term use, but later has scaled into a permanent website along with a separate mobile application in the works. I am currently responsible for maintaining the website.

What I did

  • Design
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • CMS
  • SEO

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