Faith Fellowship Service Project

I was set up with the organization through a referral of my wife. Faith Fellowship Service Ministry had been operating on their Facebook page for about a year and were getting some pretty good traffic and constantly increasing their member count weekly. They felt that this would be a really good time to gain a stronger online presence by getting a website created.

The client and I had good conversations and their expectations were made clear on what they needed. Those goals were:

  • Have a fully customized WordPress website
  • Drive Facebook traffic to their newly created website
  • Keep track of visitor activity in their Teachings (Blog) section by using Google Analytics
  • Create a secure login and website backup plan

Result: At the time, they had about 60 members or so prior to website creation. Since then, they have gained a strong online presence with full audience engagement in the comments. Also, they have increased their members count to almost 100.


Faith Fellowship Service Ministry


I was responsible for providing them with a logo. I was also responsible for developing a full WordPress website that will cater to a repository of spiritual teachings. My biggest focal points were to ensure ease of use for the client as well as its visitors.

I was given a list of parameters when creating the website. I had to make sure there was a secure login lock out system in place. Google Analytics was something they wanted included so that I could generate various reports of single page performances.

What I did

  • Logo
  • Design
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • CMS
  • SEO

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